Have a look at our
Rules &
- The probationary period for a new person joining is a minimum of 6 months. It is not required for any probie to enter a raffle. If the probie chooses its on that persons own accord and could help them get patched in faster. If a probie doesn’t make the cut and not get patched in, there are no refunds on the raffle.
- Daily chatting is recommended but is not required.
- We updated our herfing rule to a higher accountability standard. With our club being a participation based club, our members now have to herf once a week at minimum. We as leadership feel that if you can smoke 3-5 sticks a week, there is no excuse to not smoke one of those with your brothers. If life does get busy, the member must come on in the beginning of the week and let the club know, not waiting till Saturday and saying “I forgot.” If you miss multiple weekly herfs, that means you really don’t have time to participate and we will ask you to step away from the club and come back later when time permits. Family emergencies will be another reason to be able to miss the weekly herf requirement.
- All patched members are required to participate in the clubs raffles on the 15th of every month.
If a prospect goes inactive for 30 consecutive days, they will be removed from the server and will have to be invited again if they are of value to bring back. We get to choose who is a part of the club, we want quality members.
*The Founders- Joey or Brian have the authority to patch anyone in as deemed worthy, they also have the authority to bend requirements of who can stay in the club. We value people who want to be part of the club but may have limitations on what they are able to do.
**Any active duty military stationed overseas or deployed will have waivers in participation requirements on a per person basis. Each person who this represents needs to reach out and let a “Joint Chief” know so they can keep note of who is where.
“VotL”- Veterans of the Leaf
It is not the “Joint Chiefs” responsibility to babysit continually and remind people of the minimum commitments. If you (as a probationary person or patched member) don’t have the integrity to keep up with the minimum commitments on your own. Then, we as “JC’s” have the option to boot anyone who doesn’t meet commitments without warning. *Meaning, no puddle room for a time out, just gone from server and club.
- Do not blatantly disrespect another “VotL” member. If someone does this reach out to a “Joint Chief” immediately and don’t continue in any dialogue with the person who did the disrespecting. You all know from the start that we are a NO DRAMA club, if you engage back, YOU are just as guilty.
- Pornographic or personal drug related pics (marijuana is allowed to be posted within reason) of any sort are not allowed anywhere within the club.
- The selling of anything within the community is not allowed unless approved by the “Joint Chiefs.”
- Other club or patches can be put in pics or shown on Herf’s with prior approval from the “Joint Chiefs” at this time the only patch or attire not allowed to be shown on discord are any items from Ash Holes as we dont agree with that club. No other club or patch should be put in front of ours, our patch should always be in the forefront.
- If you butcher a cigar on a Herf, you will claim the title of “Butcher of Cigars” and be forced to put the Butcher image as your profile and you will mailed the Butchers perfect cutter (Each person who earns this title will have a numbered cutter to keep as a token of their shame.) Whoever is the most current offender will have to use that perfect cutter on Herfs till someone else butchers a cigar and takes that title from you. This is a “title” you don’t want to have, LOL. Penalty for not using the “butcher cutter” on a Herf will be donating 2 sticks of the cigar you butchered on the Herf in the next club raffle.
- “VotL” patches that are earned are not able to be bought to handed out or traded. We want our patches to have meaning. When we do patches that are not earned for charities or what have you, those patches can be bought and handed out.
- We are a participation-based club, many items are to be earned. We don’t want to be like other clubs who freely give items out.
- Herf etiquette: If you have a third party person near you on the herf, it is your responsibility to ensure that they understand we talk a lot of crap. It’s your responsibility to make sure no kids are around if you don’t want them hearing what we talk about. By third party we mean anyone that is not a patched member or prospect ie- friend, spouse or whatever. It is each persons responsibility to also jump off the herf if they are feeling offended or are not enjoying the herfs.
- Raffle entries: If you cannot follow instructions how to enter for raffle, your name will not be added for a chance to win. No matter how many or few spots you buy. The raffle comment will always be the month we are in and the 15th, example 2/15. Then followed by a “present” emoji.
- No one is allowed to make anything (example: personal projects) using the club logos without written permission from the “Joint Chiefs” or Joey, doing so will be grounds for an automatic ban from the club.
If any of the following rules are broken by any member or prospect, you will be banned from the server immediately. You will have no warning.
- Recruiting members of the “VotL” to join other clubs. * If any member tries to recruit you to another club within the “VotL” brotherhood, please let the “Joint Chiefs” know.
- Promoting other clubs Herfs, meet-ups, selling their swag.
- Patch swapping earned “VOTL” patches with other groups or clubs, regardless of whether they are “VotL” or not.
- Use of the “VotL” logo/name, in any way to obtain or create any swag or free stuff from any company or person.
- Again, it is up to each person to keep up with the monthly commitments. If you have something personal going on and cannot meet the commitments, it’s your responsibility to let a “Joint Chief” know.
- If you have any issues or concerns about anything please DM a “Joint Chief.”
- Please understand that profanity may be a part of conversations.
- Trades are between yourselves. The Club is not responsible for trades that go bad.
- As far as the raffles go, yes- we want all people in the discord to take 1 spot a month. If you just want to pay 120 for the year or balance of year left and get it out of the way that is fine too. You just need to reach out to a “Joint Chief” and let us know… but remember (doing minimums will only keep you here and not help you get towards items as we release them in the future.)
- As far as patches and coins or items we deemed are earned, that is where the club funds will be going (exclusion will be if we do something for a charity). We are continually working on creating milestones or achievement based items. I.E.- the challenge coins will be an achieved item. It will be something that a member gets and can’t share to others why they got it. We want the coins to be a challenge to earn and have more meaning behind them.
- Probie’s who come onto the discord for the first time will not have access to anything. They will have to herf with the Joint Chiefs several times before getting clearance into the rest of the discord.
- So, if you’re not understanding or feel you don’t want to be a part of the club with the way we have it being structured, now is the time to reach out and let a “Joint Chief” know. I’ll leave you thinking with this: if you’re here for yourself, this isn’t the club for you. If you’re here thinking about what the club can do for you, this isn’t the club for you.
Brian and I as co-founders along with the “Joint Chiefs” feel we should clarify even more the direction of the club. We want quality members who are willing to meet the 1 herf a week standard, you will run the risk of being on the chopping block for removal if no forward notice of not being able to herf was given to a Joint Chief. With the military values we have listed, not one person here should just be sitting back meeting the minimums (or lower) unless they are deployed or there is a family emergency.
Veterans of the Leaf and the “VotL” Logo are registered in the U.S. Trademark Office, the serial numbers are 97741102 and 97747339. The “VotL” related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and soon to be trademarks or registered trademarks of Veterans of the Leaf – used by permission.